Portland, Maine is an easy 20 minutes from Freeport (just south on I-295), making Freeport an ideal location to base out of. Many of our guests like the relative quiet and charm of Freeport but also want to see sights in Portland.

Tall Ship Eagle
One must-see event happening in Portland this summer is the Tall Ships. It is the first tall ships festival for Portland in 15 years. The event will take place over three days on Portland’s scenic waterfront. The Coast Guard barque Eagle is among eight tall ships set to parade through Portland Harbor on July 18th and dock on the waterfront. This is a particularly unique event in that you will be able to view these vessels up close, to go aboard and meet the crew, and to step into our living maritime history.
The Portland event will feature 4 of the 40 Class A tall ships currently operating. In addition to the 295-foot Eagle, also in Portland Harbor will be the Oliver Hazard Perry, a 210-foot square-rigger out of Newport, Rhode Island; the 179-foot Picton Castle, a three-masted barque based in Lunenberg, Noa Scotia; and the 180-foot El Galeon out of Seville, Spain. Other smaller ships will be in port for the weekend. Portland is the final stop on the 2015 Tall Ships Challenge, a series of races in which tall ships crewed by young people are pitted against each other in a friendly competition.
Tours of the Eagle will be free and a single fee of $15.00 will cover the cost of tours of all of the other tall ships. Some of the proceeds will go toward youth sail training, and education – a great way to support our local youths. Make your plans now to visit these majestic beauties and enjoy the Maine coast. We are looking forward to this event!