A great new addition has arrived in Freeport: Fiore Artisan Olive Oils and Vinegars and we have samples as gifts to you here at James Place Inn Bed and Breakfast. If you enjoy great olive oils and balsamic vinegars, this is great news for you!
Fiore opened their doors here in Freeport in the fall of 2013, making this their fifth retail location. Owned by wife and husband team Nancy and Pat O’Brien, this is a fun place to while away an hour and learn about oils. There are many to choose from and sample. For those of us liking olive oil, it is awesome to walk around and smell them, taste them, and watch others enjoy the experience as well. One of my favorites is from Peru. I never knew Peru made olive oil much less one so awesome. It is my current favorite. Very rich and full, with a “grassy” flavor that I enjoy.
The owners and staff are incredibly friendly, helpful, and welcoming, encouraging guests to the store to try everything and compare flavors. There are also recipes available on their web site www.fioreoliveoils.com, as well as suggested pairings. There are great gift ideas and packages available and there is even a “frequent buyer” program you can sign up for.
We like Fiore so much that we want to share it with you. When you stay here with us, a sample of olive oil and balsamic vinegar will be waiting for you in your room, yours to take home and try. There is also a card included to take into Fiore and receive a gift, if you like. All waiting for you in Freeport, Maine and James Place Inn.