Celebrate New Year’s in Freeport, Maine! People often want to visit Freeport after Christmas to check out the sales, spend gift cards, and take in the New Years celebration goin on throughout town. The streets are bustling with people enjoying time off from work and school. Weather permitting, bringing us snow that is, we will also see some skiiers and those snow shoeing heading this way. The New Years celebration in Freeport is fun and family-oriented. Activities are available all day at LL Bean and fireworks happen New Years Eve. The town seems especially festive this year with the ligts and occasional carolers on the streets. If you are looking for a way to relax and glide into the New Year, Freeport is a great place to do it and our guests tell us James Place Inn is the place to stay! View fireworks from the front yard of the inn, walk about town to dinner beforehand, perhaps take in a movie at the town’s six-screen movie theater afterwards. What a great way to unwind from the holidays and ring in the New Year!