Spring has finally arrived here in Freeport, Maine. After the long harsh winter, I think we are all ready to welcome it and enjoy being outdoors in the sun. Despite receiving a few inches of snow just one week ago, the past four days have produced temperatures in the 60’s and all of our snow is gone! We have had a slow melt and little rain, resulting in essentially no mud season. If you have been wanting to make a visit, spring is an ideal time to be in Freeport.

Wolfe’s Neck Farm
The warm sun invites you to enjoy a walk about the town, perusing the shops and enjoying a bite to eat. Take the opportunity to update your spring and summer wardrobe with our more than 120 shops to choose from. Once you have had enough shopping (or if you are not a shopper), enjoy a nice walk at one of the surrounding parks. Choose from our town Winslow Park (one of my favorite spots as the views of Casco Bay are spectacular), Wolfe’s Neck State Park, or Bradbury Mountain. All offer great views, all of them different. If you visit Wolfe’s Neck State Park, be sure to stop by Wolfe’s Neck Farm to visit the newly arrived lambs. Having grown up on a farm, the arrival of the new baby lambs always reminds me of spring. They are so cute and fun to watch.
If you are in search of a new bicycle, the L.L. Bean bicycle weekend is coming up. Hundreds of bikes are available to choose from and take for a short test spin. There are often sales to accompany this promotion, so check out their web site. Also, take the opportunity to check out the Outdoor Discovery School. Perhaps your Freeport weekend is a good time to try fly fish casting (their pond is finally thawed) or stand up paddle boarding. Whatever you choose, it is sure to be fun and offer new adventures, plus it gets you moving outdoors and enjoying this beautiful spring weather. Whatever your reason, plan to spend a weekend in Freeport and your stay with us here at James Place Inn, a great way to herald in spring!

Wolfe’s Neck State Park

Winslow Park